Thursday, January 20, 2005


Ann Coulter gets desperate....

Man talk about a girl needing attention.

In the January 10 edition of the New York Observer she once again proved just how fucking stupid she really is.

Here’s just a brief sampling of her latest attempts to get someone to notice her….

"I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties. I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning."--{mmm I smell a Secretary of Defense Nomination coming...}

"I just think it would be fun to nuke them and have it be a warning to the rest of the world."

"Well, he {Bill Clinton} was a very good rapist. I think that should not be forgotten."

"The brothers aren't big on queer theory." --{This in reference to African Americans support for "traditional marriage."}

Never mind blacks voted 9-1 for Kerry. This goes along with the entire republican agenda on race. All they need is one black to agree with their position and they can make wild claims of support. This is why it was so important for G.W. the village idiot to pay for someone like Armstrong Williams. Republicans are so racist they think if one black person agrees with them… all black people agree with them.

For the full story see:

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