Thursday, June 09, 2005


My Liberal Manifesto

I’m a Liberal.

That means that I believe we have a responsibility to those who cannot care for themselves,

I believe we should help the poor,

I believe old people deserve to be treated with respect & dignity,

I believe we should protect the environment,

I believe we should not invade other countries without the majority of the worlds democracies’ agreeing it is the last option,

I believe that the government is no more corrupt or inefficient than a huge multinational corporation (Enron),

I believe the government should be transparent and open to prevent corruption rather than always hiding behind ‘national security’,

I believe in the separation of church and state,

I believe it is more important to have high wages for your employees than high profits for your CEO,

I believe that we are innocent until proven guilty,

I believe the “patriot” act is unconstitutional,

I believe we create more terrorists by bombing other countries and randomly imprisoning suspected “terrorists”,

I believe racial profiling is just racism,

I believe that voting machines should provide a paper trail,

I believe election day should be a national holiday,

I believe that all persons should have equal rights such as the right to marry the one they love,

I believe we should spend more money educating our children than we do building prisons,

I believe multinational corporations do not always act in the best interests of America,

I believe that women should have every option available to them when it comes to their health,

I believe children should be taught science not mysticism,

I believe that taxes should be paid by those who can most afford to pay them,

I believe running huge government budget deficits will hurt our economy,

I believe that everyone is entitled to health care,

I believe that the government wastes more money on military spending than it does on welfare or aid to the needy,

I believe corporations are not people and should not have the same rights as persons,

I believe we should take affirmative action to correct the socio-economic imbalances created by racism and sexism,

and I believe that we are a nation of immigrants and we should welcome those with the drive, determination and ambition to come to America in search of a better life.


Beautiful piece of work. Excellent! Couldn't have said it any better. Now, if we could get this out to all the other non right-wingers. If you don't mind, I would like to put this on my blog with referance to the origin and author of the post. Please let me know if you will allow me to do that.
You can use it. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks!
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