Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Michelle Malkin: Uncle Tom's Internment

Hey kids! It turns out Michelle once believed that internment of Japanese American's during WWII was wrong. In 2000 she wrote a column in which she stated "There is NO DENYING that what happened to Japanese-American internees was abhorrent and wrong." Then in 2004 she wrote a book called "In defense of Internment" where she denied that what happened to Japanese-American internees was abhorrent and wrong. Hmmmm I smell a flip flopper. Just imagine if Cindy Sheehan or John Kerry had done such an abrupt about face.

Or maybe she just realized she could make money off of stupid people and wrote a book because she knows for a fact that racism sells. For specific examples see, The Bell Curve, Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bush, Pat Robertson. Or maybe she is just so unprincipled that she realized to get notoriety she would have to sell out her heritage and kow-tow to White Male Supremacy in order to stand out from Liberal Asian Americans. Maybe she's laughing all the way to the bank. I really have no idea how she sleeps at night.

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