Thursday, August 25, 2005


Republican Propaganda Machine Heats Up. This time they needed a PR firm to organize a "grassroots" campaign. I wish I was kidding.

Move America Forward. A grassroots non-profit is organizing a Pro-War Support the Troops Caravan to protest Cindy Sheehan’s 1st Amendment Right to Protest the President. Sounds stupid? It sure is. But then we shouldn’t be surprised given who is behind this “grassroots” movement. They are calling it the “You don’t speak for me, Cindy” Caravan. I really wish I was making this up. I wonder how much this PR firm is being paid to organize a Non-Profit group. Somebody outta revoke their 501(c).

"When the MAF website first went up this take a look at who is was registered to:

The .com address was first registered using this information:

Russo Marsh & Rogers
770 L Street, #950
Sacramento, CA 95814

That's right, this genuine act of patriotism is brought to you by the Republican public relations firm Russo Marsh and Rogers. The Move America Forward organization isn't just based in the Bay Area, it's based in the same offices as the Russo PR firm. Same receptionist answers calls for both organizations. Website was registered to the firm until they figured out that it wouldn't look good if people knew that a PR firm was behind this `patriotic grassroots activist group.'"

MAF's inner circle is remarkable for its extensive conservative connections. Former California state representative, GOP consultant and self-described "taxpayer hero" Howard Kaloogian, who serves as MAF's chair was a key recall proponent. He also had headed the Defend Reagan Committee, which mounted a successful campaign in late 2003 to pressure CBS to cancel what they called its "hatchet job" biopic, "The Reagans." MAF chief strategist Sal Russo, founder of Russo Marsh & Rogers, was also chief political advisor for the Defend Reagan Committee. Douglas Lorenz, a Russo Marsh & Rogers staff person and the national chair of the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus, was the Defend Reagan Committee's grassroots coordinator and a recall campaign advisor. Lorenz registered MAF's Web site - which looks strikingly similar to the Committee's Web site,, also registered under his name. MAF's phone number was previously the number of the Recall Gray Davis Committee, Kaloogian for U.S. Senate and the Defend Reagan Committee. MAF shares office space with Russo Marsh & Rogers and, according to multiple accounts, the receptionist who answers calls to MAF also answers Russo Marsh & Rogers' phones.

Conservative talk show host Melanie Morgan and National Tax Limitation Committee founder and president Lew Uhler are MAF's vice chairs. Former California Assembly Republican staffer Siobhan Guiney is the group's executive director. Guiney's biography credits her for fighting "for the people against liberal corruption." MAF boosters among conservative media personalities include Hugh Hewitt, a nationally syndicated talk radio host and a weekly columnist for The Daily Standard, columnist and FOX News contributor Michelle Malkin, and Rush Limbaugh.

So remember kiddies, if you're going to be joining this "grassroots" campaign funded by those in power in Washington and organized by a California PR firm, you really are an idiot. Just go ahead and tatoo it to your forehead.

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