Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Dear Rush: How is a criminal investigation "Politically Motivated" if you're not a politician? You're in the Entertainment Business You Fat Fuck.

We all know that Rush Limbaugh is a racist. We also know he's stupid. We also know he doesn't even believe half the bullshit he's shoveling. But these days he seems to think that the rest of the world is as stupid as his regular listeners. The "Dittoheads." (Just for the record morons, dittoheads is an insult. He's making fun of you for repeating everything he says. Ditto means repeat, copy, same as before, a parrot.... get the joke yet?)

While Pill popper is being investigated for possible criminal charges stemming from his doctor shopping, his excuse has now become that he's the target of a "politically motivated" fishing expedition. A politically motivated investigation presupposes that you are a politician, such as the politically motivated investigation by Kenneth Starr into President (read: Politician) Bill Clinton. Remember Kenneth Starr was appointed to investigate Whitewater, a failed land deal in Arkansas and ended up discovering that the president had gotten a blowjob from an intern. That my friends is a "politically motivated" fishing expedition.

Rush is not a politician, he's in the entertainment business. He's not even in the news business, his FCC license is for an entertainment program, that's why he's not held to the same standards of truth, honesty and balance as a regular news program. Rush's claim of political persecution is like a drug dealer who's a registered Democrat claiming that the police can't investigate him for possible criminal charges because the prosecuter is a registered Republican. So when you hear Rush Turdball claim that the criminal investigation into his doctor shopping is "Politically Motivated," remember that he's just shoveling more shit. But this time the shit he's shoveling is trying to keep his fat ass out of jail.

The Truth is that Rush Limbaugh believes that because he is a rich and influential man, he's above the law. That's why he feels he shouldn't be investigated for possible crimes. It turns out Rush Limbaugh is really just Big Ern McCracken.

Here's the story:

Limbaugh's doctors sought in probe

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (AP) -- Prosecutors want to question Rush Limbaugh's physicians in their probe of the conservative commentator's possible "doctor shopping" for prescription painkillers, according to a motion filed Tuesday.

Prosecutors believe Limbaugh illegally deceived multiple doctors to receive overlapping prescriptions for painkillers. He has not been charged with a crime.

Limbaugh's attorneys argue the request for depositions from the doctors and their employees could reveal privileged medical information.

Limbaugh has acknowledged an addiction to pain medication, attributing it to severe back pain, and took a five-week leave from his radio show to enter a treatment program in October 2003.

The criminal investigation into Limbaugh's drug use has been ongoing for nearly two years. Throughout, his attorneys have fought vigorously over privacy concerns.

Assistant State Attorney James Martz told the court Tuesday he would ask the doctors and their employees only about matters relating to Limbaugh's possible "doctor shopping."

Limbaugh has accused Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer, a Democrat, of a "fishing expedition" that's politically motivated.

Making a "request for depositions" is a hell of alot different then what Limpball's buddy the chimp wants to do with everybody's medical records.

The fat usless fuck is just trying to make it all look like a conspiricy.
I hope they hang his ass so high he looses his license.
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