Wednesday, October 08, 2008


John McCain and Sarah Palin: Dumb and Dumber

Sarah Palin Sits In Church While Her Guest Pastor Attacks Jews. She didn't "get up and leave." She then criticizes Obama for not "getting up and leaving" after comments made by Reverend Wright, even though Wright never said his controversial comments with Barack Obama in attendance.

Monday, October 06, 2008
Sarah Palin just called herself an anti-Semite

I've written before that Palin is not a very bright person, and that she and John McCain have very disturbing ties to anti-Semitism. And she proved it again today, in a way that made her own anti-Semitism fair game.

Don't get me wrong - Sarah Palin knows how to make love to the camera. The thing is, she isn't very smart. They're different skills, seducing an audience and actually having an intellect (and with my 401k in the balance, I'm gonna go with brains over winks). I say this because McCain made a mistake by designating Palin his attack dog. She reads a good script, but when she speaks her mind, as she did yesterday trying to attack Obama over Rev. Wright, she causes more trouble for her own campaign than Obama's.

Yesterday is a perfect example, and perhaps her most damaging yet. Palin did an interview with right-wing commentator Bill Kristol. Palin took it upon herself to talk about Rev. Wright:
“To tell you the truth, Bill, I don’t know why that association isn’t discussed more, because those were appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country, and to have sat in the pews for 20 years and listened to that — with, I don’t know, a sense of condoning it, I guess, because he didn’t get up and leave — to me, that does say something about character. But, you know, I guess that would be a John McCain call on whether he wants to bring that up.”
Yeah, you see, Sarah Palin's inner idiot came out again on that one. If Sarah Palin thinks not getting up and leaving when your pastor says something outrageous in church says something about your character, then Sarah Palin just called herself a rabid anti-Semite.

Sarah Palin sat in her conservative evangelical church, twice, and said nothing when her visiting pastors and speakers attacked another great nation and another great people - Jews and Israel.

Just three years ago, Palin sat in church and did nothing - nay, she went up on stage and joined a rather out-there evangelical preacher minutes after he said that the reason we have so much corruption on Wall Street is that it's run by Jews. Yes, she really did. Here is what Sarah Palin's guest preacher said, in her presence, minutes before she joined him in front of the entire congregation:
"The second area whereby God wants us, wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area. The Bible says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It's high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity running the economics of our nations. That's what we are waiting for. That's part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the -- you know -- if you look at the Israelites, that's how they work. And that's how they are, even today. When we will see that, you know, that the top transporters (?) in the lands, we see, you know, the bankers, we see the people holding the parts (?), they are believers, we will not have the kind of corruption that we are hearing in our societies."

Did you catch that? Sarah Palin's guest preacher says that if only good Christians could take control of the banking industry away from the wicked Jews we would "not have the kind of corruption that we are hearing in our societies." Nice. And she "didn't get up and leave," she got up and joined the anti-Semite on stage moments later.

Then there's the time, this past August 17 - just six weeks ago - that Sarah Palin sat in church and listened to (and may have even given a donation to) a Jews for Jesus founder David Brickner who, in Palin's presence, said Palestininian terrorist attacks on Israelis are God's "judgment" on Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.

Did you catch that? According to Palin's friend the guest-preacher, it's the Jews' own fault that the terrorists blow them up in Israel. If only Jews would convert to Christianity, and stop being so Jewish, nobody would have to kill them, says Palin's guest-preacher with her in attendance.

Sarah Palin sat there, didn't say a word, didn't leave, and according to one report may have even donated money to the man after he basically said that Jews in Israel deserve to get blown up. Here is what the Jews for Jesus executive director had to say:
Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.

"Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It's very real. When [Brickner's son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can't miss it."

Palin was in church that day...
Sarah Palin was there. Sarah Palin didn't leave. She may have given a donation to one man preaching anti-Semitism, and she got up and stood alongside a second man preaching anti-Semitism. Under her own standard enunciated today, Sarah Palin just admitted that she's an anti-Semite.

I am a Jewish believer in Jesus. Before you start throwing around terms like “anti-Semitic” for David Brickner of Jews for Jesus, you might do well to read or listen to the entire message for yourself at so that you can see Brickner’s remarks in context. Most blogs and news services have quoted the same one paragraph of the six-page transcript of the message that Brickner delivered at Sarah Palin’s church, giving the false impression that he is saying that a bulldozer attack by a deranged Palestinian is God’s judgment on the Jewish people. Please look at Brickner’s comments concerning his message at Wasilla Bible Church, as well as interviews by Christianity Today and MSNBC with Brickner about this issue, at Among other things, Brickner says, "The comments attributed to me were taken out of context. The notion that the terrorist, bulldozer attack in Jerusalem this summer was God’s judgment on Israel for not believing in Jesus, is absolutely not what I believe. In retrospect, I can see how my rhetoric might be misunderstood and I truly regret that . . . . Let me be clear. I don’t believe that any one event whether a terrorist attack or a natural disaster is a specific fulfillment of or manifestation of a Biblical prediction of judgment. I don’t believe that the newspaper should be used to interpret the Bible. The Bible interprets the Bible. I love my Jewish people and the land of Israel. I stand with and support her against all efforts to harm her or her people in any way."
A Jewish Believer in Jesus? Doesn't that just mean you're a Christian?

And you're seriously trying to pull the "out of context" excuse for Brickner's comments?

He said "You can't miss judgment. When Palestinians took a bulldozer and killed people in the market, it was Judgment." He said "If you come out of a synygogue on Judgment day and someone asks if God heard your prayers, you can say 'who knows' but if you accept our beliefs (Christian beliefs) then you can be assured." His claim is my religion is better than your religion. My god is true, your god is false. That was the context.

Give me a fucking break.

Go messianic someplace else. We're all stocked up God complexes here.

However, Brickner's comments aren't the central issue we're addressing. We're commenting on hypocrisy. Palin complains about Rev. Wright but ignores her own issues with religious nutbags.

I say leave the religious leaders out of it. Brickner is just as relevant as Wright, meaning they're both irrelevant.

But if Palin is gonna bring up Wright, we're gonna bring up all her wacky witch hunting anti-semitic religious connections as well.
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